The Broken Plate and the Butterfly

As every day passes you by, do you love how you spent it or do you regret not doing what you would have loved to have done. Do you look forward to every day and a new exciting adventure or do you worry and are anxious about what it will bring you .

Pain and suffering, loss, distraction, avoidance. Will every day bring you love or regret. You know that the past is over and it cannot be brought forward again.

You are welcome to live in the past but it will bring you no peace or quiet or love. However, put your focus on creating a magical, exciting life for yourself and it will bring you whatever your heart desires.

The stronger your focus and the higher your vibration, the better your chance of success in getting what you would love. It is important to understand that you are responsible for whatever you create in your life.

You are responsible for your past decisions and choices, both conscious and subconscious. However, remember, when the past is done, it is done.

When a plate falls off a table and breaks, it is broken. Sure, you can try and glue it back together but it will never be the same again. You can’t make it un-fall.

You can’t make it unbreak. In the same way, with whatever has happened in your life, whether you love it or regret it, it is done. Do not sit and ponder what may have been.

Your only pondering is on the lesson you were to learn for there is always a lesson to learn. But that is where the past stops. Be present and love the day you have been gifted for that’s what it is.

A chance to create, a chance to love, a chance to live in your truth, to be your authentic self. Dwelling on the past only sucks time and energy from what you could create for today and tomorrow. Your focus creates your reality.

I will tell you this 100 times because it is true. Find your purpose and spend your days creating it and living it. Do not spend your days in pain from your past demons.

They have flown away and simply leave the ash of memories that once where but are now forgotten by everyone else apart from you.

Until of course, you learn to let go as well. Apart from the lesson, the past will not serve you. Humans are designed to constantly grow and evolve into better versions of themselves. Imagine a butterfly, beautiful and lovely, fluttering in the wind and the sunlight.

Do you think this gorgeous butterfly is thinking about when it was a worm, inching along the floor. Or do you think it is living in the moment of its new life and where its wings will take it next.

The next exciting journey and discoveries. Covering more ground in mere hours than it would have in days as a worm. Mostly living in fear of being picked up by a robin to feed its young chicks.

You have the choice to choose what you wish to think about. What you wish to put your focus on. Remember, for every moment you live in the past, you are losing out on the present and the future. And in those moments that you choose to live and think about the past, you lose the present.

It is gone forever, just like the broken plate, smashing into a thousand pieces on the floor, never to return every again. Do not waste your empathy on the plate.

It’s gone, its purpose complete, its energy transferred away to somewhere else where it is needed. All you really have is this moment, treasure it as the gift it is and spend it wisely.

Full it with love and use it to take action on making the next moment more exciting than the last.

Divine Love

Divine love is what we would all love to have in our lives. For this divine love will teach us that we are connected to all other beings.

And through this connection to one another, we ebb and flow throughout our lives. We get strength from one another whenever we need it. In those moments of deep sorrow or loss of a loved one.

Or through those times when we need great strength to overcome a physical challenge. When we are climbing a mountain, physically or metaphorically and we have reached the end of our resolve.

We need to dig deep and get strength from those connected to us through love. Love is in limitless abundance for us. You cannot give all your love away, for it is endless.

You can not only receive a certain amount of love and then you are full because it is endless. It is like a super fuel for the human body and mind.

It gives us strength and resilience to conquer all in this world that we choose to love in. choose to thrive in. we simply need to have the awareness of when to call out for it. It will always be there, waiting for us.

Do not shut your mind off to it. Do not be a victim and wallow in self-pity. A little bird will sit on a fence and freeze to death but he or she will never feel sorry for themselves.

Remember, love is your super power and your super fuel and it is always in limitless supply. Simply sit and focus on your heart space and send out love to everyone you can think of.

And be open to receiving love from anyone and everyone. It will ignite your frequency and your cells which will feel like they’re bursting with energy and excitement.

And remember too that you can get love from all creatures, plants and trees on earth, not just humans. Feel the love and wisdom of trees that have been around for longer than all of us in our lifetime.

They have seen humanity transform through many generations. Seen young children grow up to be adults and grandparents and great parents.

They have seen little children play upon their branches, yelling and screaming with love and excitement. It has brought much joy to everyone around including the trees themselves.

This has kept the trees strong and unyielding in strong winds and heavy rainfall. They survive and thrive and see it all. They are the keepers of wisdom and love and every spring they are reborn and flourish and grow and evolve.

So go about your day with love. Do not get distracted by the little things that try and knock you off track. Keep love as your frequency and operate form your highest self.

Whatever happens in your day, come back to love. That will resolve many of the problems you face throughout your lifetime.

Our Home

I would love to tell you about planets that you have not visited for a very long time. There are beings on earth that travel to these plants quite often.

They bring back important information about the best way to operate societies and many ways to look after the earth and nature and how important earth is to the whole universe.

Mankind says that they want to protect the earth and look after her but the reality is they only live for today. They do not care what happens in the future when they are long dead.

Or so they think they will be long dead but the reality is that they will be reborn. And they will have to live in the world that they created for their future self.

And in this world that they have created, there will be much suffering unless things change. Humanity needs to change in many ways. They need to ensure that the many thrive and not just the few as I have shared a few times already.

In addition, mankind needs to take better care of nature. There is a lot of tree cutting going on at an alarming rate within the world. Trees are the lifeblood of the earth.

Without these tress, there will start to be less oxygen. I don’t need to finish this sentence. There is so much control and power struggles going on but the reality is, soon you will be fighting over nothing for their will be nothing left.

Those that are awake and aware will be lucky for they will be able to travel to different worlds. They will be welcomed with open arms and they will learn what it is they need to do back on earth to help save her.

Remember, that nature will always find a way, she will always win, no matter what happens. But, via education, mankind can do this themselves. These leaders that come back from the other worlds need to find a way to convey their messages.

They need to be listened to. They are the ones who can save humanity and the earth. This will be the best way. These travelers will be very wise.

They will understand what it takes to thrive and be fulfilled in life on earth. They will see how others live in other worlds that most are not aware of.

Their knowledge will be invaluable to humans. There needs to be more listening and action taken. Humans need to take responsibility and stop ticking boxes and making money out of pretending to save the world.

They need to actually save the world. The world is waiting. The other worlds are waiting with the knowledge to share with you. The time is now.

The Wise Man and his Pack of Wolves

In the beginning of an endless time on earth, there was a wise man who lived alone in a cave upon a great mountain. He was not totally alone as he had a few outcast wolves that lived with him.
They would hunt together and look after each as one pack. Their bond was pure love. It was not based on who brought the most food or who provided the most warmth at night.
While it was nice, that the wise man could create a fire at night, it was not the reason the wolves stayed. They stayed because they were better together as a pack.
They were happy and content. They served each other and protected each other. They wanted no more than to have what they had. On occasion over the years, one of their pack would pass away.
Either from age or injury while out hunting. While it was sad to lose one of their pack and a loved one, they knew that their companion would either be reborn or would become a star in the night sky and watch over them for the rest of their days.
Other outcast wolves would join their pack. They would quickly understand how the pack worked. They would raise their vibration to unconditional love. They did not act like victims because they had been outcast of their pack.
They realised that everything happens for a reason and now the pack they belonged to was even better than before. They knew that they were loved unconditionally.
They knew they would be fulfilled by serving the rest of the pack members. They saw the wise man as their guardian. He would talk to them every night around the fire and tell them many stories.
He would teach them a new way of being.
To be creators of their lives and never to be a victim. To enjoy the beauty of nature. Enjoy the power of the stillness in nature. To understand that there was nowhere they had to be, nothing they had to do but to thrive and to love one another.
One day they knew their wise old friend would too pass away. But they knew he would be reborn or become a star in the night sky and watch over them.
Perhaps another wise man would join them. They loved their life. It was simply but fulfilling. It was still hard work to find and hunt down food to feed the whole pack but there was joy in the task when it served everyone.
For everyone was grateful for one another. It was a choice to stay every day. They would not corrupt one another but supported each other to each live in their highest self and in their power and genius.
There was no better feeling to love, be loved and live and operate at their highest self. The wise man and his wolves were to be an example to mankind of how to live and thrive.
But man was not interested in this way of life. He wanted for so much, he wanted for more than his brother. He wanted to be the over powering leader.
He wanted to seek to have his beliefs validated. He discovered that he could not love or feel love for he was so caught up in his distractions from life.
He did not see or appreciate nature and her beauty. Did not see the value and power in her stillness. And so man, following his own path began to suffer and cause suffering.
He was not content or fulfilled but he just pushed harder to try and get what he thought he wanted but was unattainable. And so there was misery and suffering.
There was chasing of great wealth to buy more distractions and fake happiness. Mankind missed everything. He was inconsolable when one of his own past away.
He would question everything at this point and lose his way. This would cause more suffering and pain. And so, this is how man choose to live. And choose to ignore the beautiful wisdom and story of the wise man and his pack of wolves.

Stop and Give Yourself Space

Change can only happen when there is space for it. It needs space to breathe and see the future. It needs the space to see how and what to change for the better. It needs the space to grow and improve.

While you are pushing yourself, day in and day out, nothing can change or grow. You may think that you are. You must be because you are working so hard but the reality is, you are not. You are simply stuck on the hamster wheel, running and running. Working and working but not actually making true progress.

You may, if you are lucky, get more financial reward but you won’t be getting any spiritual reward.

Your heart will not be expanding. You will not be growing as a human. The money reward will simply keep you distracted and on the wrong path.

You will see all the pointless toys that you can buy and you will think that everything is amazing. Yes, you will receive pleasure but it is all egotistical.

It is fake and distractive from your true purpose here on earth. Give yourself the space to breathe, to think, to feel alive, to appreciate beauty around you.

Give yourself the space to love. Imagine what you would love to do. And go forth towards the unknown, the path that has not been travelled for this is where the treasure lies.

There is no treasure on the well-trodden path for everyone has already collected it well before you. Head for the unknown. Head into the wild and just be.

Nothing to do, nowhere to be, just be present and enjoy the moment. Raise your frequency by sending out love to everyone you can think of.

Imagine yourself glowing like a bright star in the night sky. Now, what would you love. Finally, stay focused and take action. Do not live in distraction.

There is always action to take. There is always something positive to do to drive yourself forward, easily and playfully.

Are you running from your thoughts?

As you lie in bed, awake, your mind racing. What thoughts are you having. What are you thinking about apart from everything? Do your thoughts bring you pain or do you love them.

Do you wake up in the middle of the night, normally 3am and then struggle to get back to sleep. Do your thoughts scare you? Do you find ways to distract yourself in order to stop yourself thinking.

This may be alcohol, watching TV, music, reading and so on. I spent my life using exercise. I would train as hard as I could to wear myself out for then, I was too tired to think. I was calm and relaxed.

However, this meant I over trained a lot. It also hindered my athletic career for it was not about winning but more about making myself tired. It was also about punishing myself rather than trying to win races.

I could actually push myself harder than most but I wasn’t rested or fresh enough to actually perform. I remember doing a triathlon once when I was 19 years old.

I had a terrible race, came about 5th where I would normally win my age group. I actually thought I was too old. The reality was that I was exhausted.

When I was forced to rest, my resting heart rate dropped significantly because I wasn’t over fatigued and I actually got fitter by resting. However, my brain would start up again.

I did not like my brain or my thoughts that plagued me. However, through the work I have done in the last few years, I am no longer scared of my thoughts.

In fact, I embrace them, I want my thoughts to hit me with whatever they have got, the worst memories for now I can handle them. I know that can deal with them. That is very empowering and liberating.

I still love training hard but I love doing it for the right reasons. I don’t do it to simply wear myself out. I monitor all my data carefully and rest when things aren’t looking so great.

I have some rest coming up, my Garmin watch told me to rest for 40 hours after my session this evening. I still do lots of low intensity walking.

Movement is so critical for being healthy and actually helps you recover a lot quicker than sitting on the sofa. And I get to see beautiful sunrises and sunsets. It is powerful to understand why you do certain things, like working very long hours.

If you are doing it to support your compensating tendencies then it is not healthy. You can actually still do the same activity but do it for the right reasons .

Do it because you love doing it, not because you are running away from something or trying to distract yourself. Live in the moment, for it is all we really have.

Your Higher Self

As you sit and ponder my writing. How does it make you feel. Does it ever make you sad or happy or determined to understand the lesson and change your way of being.

Do you see a path for yourself evolving to live your higher self. Do you feel you have found your purpose in this world or are you still searching.

Do you believe that you have a purpose or do you think that things just are as they are meant to be. What have you created in your life that you are the most proud of.

What would you, bringing to the fore your absolute wildest imagination, love to create in your future. As in the next 6 months, not years but soon.

A lot of the things we do as a child, we forget as we grow up. But those things we did as a child were a lot closer to our true purpose and genius than you realise.

I used to write short stories and I loved it. I loved reading Wilbur Smith and I wanted to write but I never did. And now, many years later, I am writing every day. I have a few books published.

The point is, is there something you loved doing as a child that you would love to do again. What’s holding you back. We all have the same amount of time given to us every day and we choose what we do with it.

Sure, there are things we need to do but there are a lot of things we do which are simply distractions that eat up our time that we could use for doing something significantly more fulfilling.

Something that our heart would love rather than binge watching TV or going to the pub or whatever else it is you love to distract yourself with.

Yes, we get pleasure from these distractions but they do not fulfil us. They are not the reason why we were put on this earth. Imagine for a moment, if you were a caveman or women, living thousands of years ago in our ancient history.

What would you be doing right now? What would you want to do during the day? What would you be thinking about. Remember, we came into this world as people living in nature and harnessing its power and love and energy.

This is our natural state. We may have evolved into living in warm, comfortable houses, surrounded by lots of material items that we think we love.

That we buy to try and make ourselves feel better about ourselves. But we never really lose our connection to our ancient ancestors and to nature and the stars.

We lose the awareness but if we really want it, it is easy to reconnect and raise our awareness once more. Can you imagine how much time you would have on your hands if you lived as a caveman or women.

Distractions did not exist. We had to be present to stay alive. Imagine just for a moment what this would feel like. Now imagine, in this state of mind, what you would truly love to create in your life.

If there were no limits, no beliefs that you’re not worthy or good enough, no limits on money or other resources, what would you create?

What love can do for you

The power of love is immeasurable. It is healing of the physical and spiritual body. It raises your vibration to a level way beyond any other vibration.

When you are in the vibration of love. Everything is easy, you have no enemies, hate does not exist. There is just unconditional love. This means that you send out love to all around you without any expectation of getting anything in return.

The point is not to receive but simply to give. However, by giving you do receive back. It quietens the mind from any negativity especially negative self-talk.

You imagine, that you are shining like a bright star in the night sky. Your glow can be seen for millions of light years away. And in this glow, this powerful light that emits from your whole body, the is simply no room for anything dark.

Simply by imaging this will raise your vibration and change your state. And in this natural state, everything is perfect as you fly way above any meaningless problems that you perceive you have in your life.

Most importantly, when you operate from this vibration of intense, unconditional love, you operate from your genius. You operate at your highest self.

Again, this means that whatever you set your focus to, you will achieve. It could be a project at home or a project at work or it could be exercising.

It could be speaking on a stage. Imagine being at your highest self, sending love out to everyone in your audience, how incredible your message will be when you are in this state.

In your absolute power, in your truth and authentic self. Everyone will resonate with whatever you have to say, they will hang on your every word and be left wanting more.

They will be insatiable for your message. They will be drawn to your energy but have no idea why. There will just be something about you.

They will not be aware that you are in this state of your highest self and subconsciously sending them love. But they will feel amazing in your company.

They will yearn to hear what you have to say and quite frankly, they will buy anything you are selling. As long as you are living in your truth and being authentic, then you can achieve anything your heart desires.

This is so easy to try, it is simply a case of imagining it. Try it now and see what difference it makes when you interact with other people.

Your Shadow Monster

In the shadow of the moonlight and a cloudless night, there lies in waiting a monster of disproportionate size. It lurks in the shadows always, never to be seen in the light of the day.

It hides and yet is ever present. Even in the bright sunshine of a summers day, it is there, hiding in the shadows. It is cunning and smart. It is deceptive. It speaks softly, coaxing, teasing, gentle and yet devious and dark.

It conspires to cause chaos and self-sabotage. It seeks incidents and events to cause outrage and anger and fear. It seeks to cause distraction and tear away it’s owner from their goals and ambitions and purpose.

It seeks to burst forth in a rage of unimaginable force from within it’s owners own body. Taking everyone off guard, shouting with rage, dribbling with delight at its victory for causing harm and distraction.

This shadow monster lives within all of us. Lurking and waiting for an opportunity to strike. It waits for the perfect time to deliver its poisonous message.

To invoke a violent outburst before rational thought can take control once more and return to normality and serene and calmness.

If the owner is unlucky, the outburst will continue, the rage increase 100 fold, the ensuing chaos disastrous. The life ruined, the life trajectory altered, the shadow deliriously delighted with its victory, its owner in ruins.

Beware of the shadow monster. Engage thought before action. Engage calmness, peace and empathy before reaction. Do not give the shadow monster any power for he will run away with it like a hyena, running and laughing with its prize of a piece of meat.

Beware of your shadow monster who seeks to keep you distracted with anything it can, alcohol, porn, food, TV and so on. For when you are distracted, you are not living in your truth, you are not living your purpose, you are not living in your highest self, you are not in your genius.

You are barely alive, suffering, struggling, trying to cope, trying to be brave and yet weak and powerless. Overcome by the power of your shadow monster.

Be aware, see him lurking in the shadows of your mind and go the other way. Go towards your higher self, raise your vibration, fly above him and all his distraction techniques. Be the powerful creator you are and go after what you love.

The Goat

The message today is all about how you treat others. Remember, the point of being alive is to thrive and to do no harm to others. This means all living creatures, not just other humans.

If your business is to harm others and exploit them then you will pay the consequences in this life or the next. Human beings have the so called gift of being able to justify to themselves any action they feel they need to take.

A lot of humans feel their responsibility is to look after their family by any means necessary. This is not the case. You are responsible to not condemn others or prevent other from thriving.

Everyone is responsible for how they treat others. This does not mean you have to actively rescue and save everyone but it does mean you cannot take from one family to feed yours and think that is justifiable.

All creatures on earth have a right to life and a right to thrive and be happy. If you prevent this, then you will be punished at some point.

You may be the owner of a multimillion dollar company that uses your laws to systematically take advantage of vulnerable people and essentially, legally steal from them.

You may run a drugs company that gets people addicted to your drugs or forces them to spend vast amounts of money for a simple drug which keeps them out of immense pain and suffering or may even save their life.

Supply and demand is not a universal law. It is a man made one designed to exploit fellow human beings. It does not come from love, it comes from a deep and dark place.

Perhaps you will be reborn as a goat and be living in a harsh desert where you have to look all day for any tiny bit of food in oppressive heat and freezing cold nights.

The goat will just know his new reality. He will live and survive but it will not be a fun existence. He will eventually gain the awareness of his crimes in a previous life and then he will understand that this is why he is being punished for the duration of a whole other life as a goat.

So be aware of how you are and how you are being. Your crimes will always catch up to you at some point and then you will be trapped in eternity.

The punishment will feel a hundred fold compared to those that you harmed during your human life. Remember that the need to be successful above all else and at the expense of others does not come from a pure place of wanting to thrive and have abundance of many different resources in your life.

It comes from a place of trying to meet your dysfunctions and belief systems. If you do not feel good enough then you feel that you need to work hard and find a way by any means necessary in order to be successful.

Perhaps you were not validated as a young child and so you seek validation by having lots of money and being successful. But you are chasing an impossible dream for enough is never enough. That is the clue that what you are chasing will never fulfil you.

It will never make you happy and joyful. It may please you to buy a fancy sports car but it will never make you feel fulfilled and there will always be a better sports car you will want to buy.

The need can never be met. You will chase it for a life time causing much collateral damage to others in the process. And then, you will be reborn as a goat in a desert.

And with the way the human species is currently treating their fellow humans, the desert will be overrun with goats and there will be even less food and more suffering.