Past & Present Man

The original people of God were not made in his image. They were monsters. They were tall and powerful. They were 10 times stronger than the men we see in the world today.

They could walk for weeks without rest. Taking long loping strides across the plains and through dark forests. They could fight like any other ferocious beast in the world.

They needed to hunt a lot in order to maintain their large bulk of muscle. They were at least ten feet tall. Their bodies were hard and muscled like a big bodybuilder.

They mostly ate pure protein and obviously, junk food didn’t exist many thousands of years ago. They may have been very strong and ferocious fighters and killers but they needed a lot of food for they burnt a lot of energy.

There were many other large predators in those times but man was still the apex predator. He could hurl rocks at great speed with power and accuracy that will kill an animal from twenty meters away.

They were relentless hunters and fierce warriors. The biggest of them would become head of the tribe and lead the warriors on hunts and battles.

The tribes were quite widely spread but they had to protect their hunting ground, especially considering the importance of food. If another tribe tried to encroach on their hunting ground then a battle would ensue.

It would be a fight to the death including any women and children they found. They could not afford to tend to other tribes’ people for they had their own to look after and feed.

Sometimes the men would have to travel very far to find good hunting grounds. It was very dangerous for all should they come across another band of warriors.

Even in those days, there were certain tribes that began building big villages. They gained knowledge from the stars and from wandering wise men.

The bigger and stronger the village became, the more resources they needed to sustain themselves. Only the men ever went hunting and so they felt the pressure when there were a lot of women and children to feed as well.

At first, it was not too difficult but during that time period, the earth was very volatile. There would often be volcanos spitting fire and rocks into the night sky.

This would spread ash everywhere and block out the sun for days or even weeks. There would be many weeks of heavy rain or months of freezing weather and snow.

The weather was ever changing. Sometimes very hot. This early man learnt that if they built large temples and prayed to the gods then they would bring them food and make them lucky during hunting trips.

And so began the age of the Gods and worship. As with many large creatures of the time, a lot were wiped out during the ice age and great floods.

Especially when their resources were massively impacted. A thousand years later, a new man came to be. He was much smaller and lighter and didn’t require so much feeding.

This new designed man was cleverer and able to survive and thrive. In the beginning this new man was very successful and happy but soon, he wanted more and more until we reach today.

Where man is greedy and will take from his neighbor. He will gladly destroy those around him for his own accomplishment and success. And so, most struggled to survive while a few gain power and ruled the others with cunning and planning.

This caused much distress amongst all the others but they would have to be just as cunning in order to break the systems invented by the few for control and power.

They would have to band together and attack in their numbers to regain control. There would be much bloodshed and violence but it was necessary for the species to thrive once more.

For the many to thrive and not just the few, for this was how life was intended to be.

The power of the stars

The answers lie within the stars above. If you think that nature is powerful in terms of grounding you and allowing you to access your intuition and find answers that you seek, then the stars are infinitely more powerful.

They are pure and unspoilt. If you can tap into the energy of the stars then you will truly find yourself. Their magnificence is truly revealed when you can go to a secluded area with no light pollution.

You will see all the stars in their absolute magnificence. Shining brightly and in limitless abundance. When you see the universe in her limitless form, you will understand how everything was once limitless here on earth.

As an earth dweller, you have access to limitlessness for this is within our natural state. Limitless love, limitless resources, limitless oceans, sky and universe.

It is how everything was designed in the beginning and how it was meant to be. If you can imagine a small spider in a forest, to her, her world is limitless.

She can just keep walking for she will never reach the end of her world. She cannot jump in a plane or on a bus and travel as far as she likes.

She may eventually hit a river or a sea or ocean that she will not be able to pass but it is still not the end. This is how man was when we first arrived on earth.

Everything was limitless with so many undiscovered lands. Exploring and mapping out the whole world actually created limitations for us and shrunk our world and our minds.

Suddenly, the world was no longer limitless anymore and it deeply affected humans but they never realised it. When you walk in a limitless forest, there are enough trees to build a whole city and still have millions of trees left for firewood and furniture and many other things that trees can be used for.

Can you imagine, when you have limitless trees available to you, what you could create. Your mind could expand beyond anything it has imagined before because there are no limits to what you can create.

However, when man builds machines that can rapidly harvest trees by the thousands, suddenly, they are not limitless anymore. There is a big scar upon the earth where man raped and pillaged the landscape and left her barren of trees.

This in turn effects the human mind. He cannot now imagine to create something out of limitless resources because he was so greedy and determined that he managed to create limits.

So now, we do not have limitless imaginations, because the world has shrunk and so have all our resources. But, we still have the power to dream, to dream as big and limitless as we would love to.

And we have that power to bring limitlessness back into our lives as we realise that we can achieve and create literally anything we would love.

And when we take action towards this, we see just what is possible with focus and the power and energy of the stars. So this is your challenge, find a place far away from everywhere and appreciate the bright stars in the night sky.

Imagine for just a moment that you can harness their power and use it as fuel to create a life you would love. A limitless life of love, joy, happiness, fulfillment and contentment.

Ask what you should do next to achieve this life. Listen and then take action and be amazed at the magic you can create.


Threpolis is my guide. He is my brother from many thousands of years ago. We used to fight together on the battlefield where we won many battles together.

We are bound over the many centuries by loyalty and blood. We have shared many lives together. We have protected each other’s families.

We have hunted many beasts together to feed our tribe. We have learnt many valuable lessons together. We have sought the wisdom of the ancient elders.

We have gained knowledge way beyond that of man today in his current form. We have witnessed much love and joy but also trauma and destruction.

We have witnessed many large battles and natural disasters. And not only have we survived them all but we have remained brothers through all eternity.

We are always equal regardless of if one of us is king and the other servant. We have always put our brother ahead of our own needs and wants for we know that serving our brother will be repaid a thousand fold be that in this life or the next or even the one after that.

We always find each other when the time is right in the new world that we are once more born into. If we are not born into physical form then we shall be the guide for the other throughout their life from the stars above.

We shall guide and mentor our brother through his physical human experience. We shall acknowledge his struggles and his hardships but celebrate with him as he finds love and joy and happiness once more.

We rejoice as he grows into an important leader of man, women and child. We stand by his side as he changes the path of mankind. We guide him in his battles, both physical and mental.

We are bound together from the past and into the unknown future. We fear together and cry together and celebrate our many victories together. As brothers, we are one and we are stronger. Our love and support for one another is eternal and endless.


Going after what you love

And, as if by magic, it was all over. The most intense interview that she had ever faced for the job she knew deep down her heart would love to do above all else.

Before the interview, there were so many thoughts and feelings that popped up for her. You’re not good enough for this, you’re not worthy, you’re incapable.

These thoughts had come up a million times before during her life. A guy she liked, you’re not good enough for him. Other jobs she went for, you’re incapable.

Other things she had wanted in her life, you’re not worthy. Life had been hard and tough but then she had realised, with the help of a wise person that all these stories she was telling herself were all made up.

They meant nothing. They were simply stories that had kept her safe as a child but now, no longer served her. They certainly didn’t help her but they did keep her safe and small.

She didn’t want to be safe and small anymore, she wanted to be out there. She wanted to be her authentic self. She wanted to be the person she had always wanted to be.

She knew deep down that she had all the skills required for the job but more importantly, she knew that this job was what her heart wanted.

For when she did this work, there were no conditions about success or failure. There was no judgement from herself or others. She knew, that when she was living her truth and being authentic that no one could question her.

She was real, she would attract the people into her life she needed. And those that did not resonate with her, would simply melt away like they were never there.

She felt loved and supported. She had discovered that her heart was her secret weapon. She would consciously send love to everyone around her, especially during her interview. She would feel her heart expanding and sending out unconditional love with no expectation or need for anything in return.

She was simply using her power. The others felt her love and empathy and understanding and knew in an instant that she was the perfect candidate for the job.

She also put all her focus on her end result which was to get the job. There were others more qualified, that would probably accept less money but regardless of this, she went after what her heart wanted and knew she would get her end result.

It was a dream come true. She would be helping people and making a difference in the world. Changing people’s lives for the better. Changing their children’s lives.

Changing generations of poverty, drug use and alcoholism. She had the opportunity to change it all. This was her genius and her gift to the world and she knew that by doing this, she would be completely fulfilled, content, happy and joyful.

This would help her thrive which was what, she had discovered a few months ago, was what life was all about.

Why you were born as you were

We are always born into an environment that will help us grow and evolve into the best version of ourselves. While it may not always feel that way, life is indeed a journey.

There are many lessons and choices that we need to make along the way. These all mould us and shape us into the person we are today.

You may often wish that you had more knowledge when you were younger but the truth is, everything happens as it is meant to. There are not shortcuts for if we take a short cut then we miss out of many lessons.

Our experiences in life are all there to help us grow in many different ways. They shape our future and they help us appreciate what we have, regardless of how little or how much.

Regardless of the environment we are born into, no one just has an automatically easy life. There are always unseen pressures and demons that all of us have to contend with as part of the human experience.

We may believe that someone born into a wealthy family has everything easy. But when all you know is wealth, you do not appreciate it or even understand it or value it. Because you don’t know any different.

You don’t know a life without money and the difficulties it often brings. However, there are many other challenges you would have to deal with.

Fear of losing everything you have could be one. Pressure of making yourself more successful than your parents could be another.

We all have problems, just different problems. But it is these problems that give us strength and resolve. They push us to be a better version of ourselves.

Hopefully, we will one day realise that true success lies in being fulfilled and free to live in our truth. To be our real authentic selves regardless of how crazy we think we are. We realise that chasing material objects, financial wealth is not the answer.

For there are many people with these who are desperately unhappy. The answer is doing what you heart would love to do. To find your purpose in this world.

That is true success, fulfilment and joy. Doing a job you love doing is what serves your heart. In this way, you serve the world in which you live at your highest level. This in return gives you abundance in many different forms, love, joy, freedom, peace and yes, financial.

Chase what you heart would love to do way before you even think about chasing after money. Money will be the byproduct, not the goal.

When you are happy and fulfilled and serving your purpose in the world, you do not yearn for loads of money and cars and houses and other toys.

For all these yearning are trying to satisfy an unconscious and impure need that doesn’t serve our true self.

The simple things in life are often the most beautiful and the most rewarding. Appreciate and be grateful for these and the rest will follow.

You’re In Control

At the end of the day, when all is said and done, it all comes down to one thing. Have you lived in the moment for today or did you let it pass you by.

Did you just lose a day of your life in unconscious distraction, watching TV, drinking, having meaningless conversations. Or, were you present in the moment. Present with whoever you were spending time with, present in nature.

Did you see something beautiful today. Did you appreciate it. Did you do something that you really loved doing, even if it was only for a brief period of time during the day. Did you argue with someone.

Did you get angry. Did you get sad. Did you get anxious about something in the media. What did you focus on today. Did you focus on creating something that you love. Did you take a step closer to your goals.

Did you do something healthy. Did you help someone else, did you smile at a stranger. Where you kind to someone. What was amazing about today? What did you love?

Now, what will you create for yourself tomorrow. What kind of day do you intend to have tomorrow. Will you set your intention to have a great day, for everything to be easy and playful and joyful. It is all about your focus and what you choose to put your focus on.

Worrying about something thousands of miles away that may never happen or choosing to create an awesome day for yourself. Choose to be present, to make a strangers day, to appreciate your loved ones around you, even the dog or cat.

Choose to imagine that you have the magical power to make everything go right today. Nothing is difficult. You are in absolute flow. You achieve everything you set out to achieve. You realise that you are in control of your day.

You are in control of how you react to everything that happens around you. You can let it derail your day, or you can choose to let it slide past you and continue to have an awesome day. Set your intention, set your focus and acknowledge the difference it makes to you.

Have the awareness to notice the difference and the change. Remember, you deserve to have a great day every day regardless of your circumstances.

And choose to love. Consciously send love to everyone around you, especially those that try to spoil your day for it is never personal, it is just that person struggling with their own life and lashing out at others as they try and make sense of the world they live in.

Unconsciously creating suffering and pain rather than consciously creating love, joy, success, freedom and so on, one beautiful day at a time.

New Birth

New birth is a wonderous thing. It reminds us that new life is always possible and thrilling. It reminds us that life is exciting and that we have the power to create what we love.

We have the power to create a whole new little being. Almost a replica of ourselves to continue on our life force many years after we have left this earth to continue our journey in another world or to be reborn again in this one.

New life is fascinating and life changing. It gives you new purpose. It may give you purpose where none existed before or it may just renew what you always felt was your purpose.

To create another being and ensure they thrived and had a beautiful human experience for as long as you could make it so. When new life comes into this world it brings a new sense of joy to all the family surrounding it.

It doesn’t just give the mother and father a new purpose but also the rest of the family members. It creates new life in the whole family and ensures that the family continues to exist.

There may be many trials and tribulations but these all make the family unit stronger and more resilient. It is the natural order of life on earth. To bring new life that will strengthen and grow the species.

A new genius is born, full of hope and limitless potential. Many births of new life happen every day, not just humans. A puppy or even a rescue dog that is brought into its new family, is given a chance to thrive and have a beautiful life, full of fun and adventure.

This is the way of the world. It is not to come into life to suffer and struggle but it is to bring joy to all those around you. To bring new hope and purpose.

To bring unconditional love that brings joy and happiness to everyone around. Bird’s eggs hatching in the spring, bringing new life and ensuring the survival of the species.

The proud parents chirping and singing with joy at fulfilling their life’s purpose which is to bring love into the world. You see, if you are in a place of suffering and struggle, remember, in every moment of every day throughout the entire earth, new life is coming into the world and bringing immeasurable love and joy and happiness.

You have the power to tap into this, which will instantly change your focus and your state of mind. You can chose to imagine all the happy and joyful faces looking down on this new bundle of life that has entered the world.

Be it a human or any other kind of animal. Even a spider is joyful when her spiderlings hatch and run about excitedly, looking for their first meal.

The joy and happiness for all mothers turns into nurturing their new young one. That may be giving them life giving milk or finding them another food source, all designed to give their new baby strength and power to thrive.

Just imagine for a moment, that this is what life is all about. It is the natural way of life. Death is also a natural way of life but remember that death on earth is never the end.

It is just a new beginning, just like being born where life once more starts with limitless love and endless possibilities. Just like the sun brings with it, rising every morning for a new day.

Your Focus Creates Your Reality

Imagine as we travel through time, from thousands of years ago until now, how much has changed. How drastically different life and the world is during this time period.

The interesting thing is, that our reality is how we experience the world. One person lives in the Gobi desert. It is very hot during the day and very cold during the night. His camels are his life blood.

He is connected to the stars and the universe and to nature. He has to be in order to survive and thrive. He has to know where to find water and food in the desert.

For him, the desert is very different to what we see. He sees life and opportunities. We, as westerners just see sand and basically nothing. Uncomfortable heat, freezing cold, just a lot of misery.

Because we don’t understand the desert, we don’t see it as someone who lives there. In the same token, if our desert dweller came into a big city like London, how would he manage and cope. It is so vastly different.

It would probably be very uncomfortable for him. Just a vast concrete jungle, very little nature. Unfriendly people roughly brushing past all the time.

Never a hello or a wave. Not a camel in site, just stinking, noisy cars. Switch the reality around to someone who lives in and loves London. Their reality is different.

They have access to everything they need, food, drink, parties, friends. They probably don’t even notice the traffic or cars or bad smells because they are so used to it.

It is within these realities that we begin to understand that to have a meaningful and deep conversation with someone, we need to take their realities into account.

We also should be aware that things that take our concentration and our focus, do not even exist for someone else who lives in a different reality.

For example, we can talk and panic about climate change but for the people who dwell within a desert or a rain forest, it is just nature.

They see changes but to them, this has always happened. Their ancestors have written about it. They are not being brain washed by other’s ideas for in their reality, there is no one telling them what to think and what to buy.

Can you imagine, just for a moment living in such a place. How would it make you feel, how would you change. Would you love it or would you be desperate to get back to what you know.

Would your life have more meaning in nature, in the wild or do you feel better and safer in a big city.

Consider these possibilities for a moment and then know that you have the power right now to make different decisions. You can allow yourself to be influenced by your surroundings, mostly in a negative way, or you can choose to select what you will allow to influence you.

Your focus creates your reality. In the western world, there is so much to take our focus that it is more difficult and challenging to focus on what you would love considering all the distractions.

Living in nature, in the wild, in the desert, there are much fewer distractions. There is no TV influencing your thoughts and feelings. There is no radio or Netflix.

There is one thing that I can share with you that may surprise you. In nature, you will never be bored. There is so much beauty around you, there is always something going, a bird flying overhead, a gust of wind, an animal in the grass, an insect crawling across the ground.

Your mind is totally different when it is at home in nature. And yet, you can be at a party, with lots of people talking and drinking and dancing and you can be bored out your skull.

Play around with different realities. Don’t be trapped in yours and never experience other realities that could help see everything from a totally different perspective. This is what will help you grow as a person.