Living in the moment

The beauty of nature is undeniable. Once you are connected to her beauty and stillness and sounds of water, birds and wind. You can appreciate the tranquility of nature compared to western life in a busy city.

The hustle and bustle of cars, people, music blaring briefly. The sounds of sirens, car horns, doors slamming, breaks squealing. The odd shout of someone trying to get their friend’s attention or shouting in indignation at some incident.

And yet, in nature, apart from a goose squawking at his mates as they contemplate leaving the lake to roost for the night. There are many other, smaller subtle sounds.

There may be a stream flowing persistently and endlessly. A seemingly endless supply of gushing water. Or you may be watching the waves on a small lake, splashing gently against the shore line.

A bird shouting as it flies overhead. You notice how the wind rustles the branches of trees and shrubs. You notice how some plants look dead and yet are very much alive and seem to stay in the same state for an eternity.

You watch a large bird of prey, playing high up in the sky. Catching the wind and floating higher. Barely moving its wings. It’s beautiful and serene and peaceful.

It’s pure joy as you can imagine it, without a care in the world at that moment in time. Its living in the moment. How often do we get to live in the moment.

Forget everything that has happened in the day and no worries about what may happen tomorrow. No past, no future, just this moment right now.

Peaceful and limitless in nature. You can imagine small insects busily wondering around. Frantic to live their short lives to the utmost. To live out their true nature. To feed and find a mate. To nurture the next generation. And then to await rebirth.

As you sit in the moment, you begin to feel yourself healing. You understand that you are being grounded back to your natural state. Back to where you ancestors came from.

You can imagine them having a similar view to yours right now but many thousands of years in the past. No farm land, just trees, perhaps a lake and probably dangerous animals lurking, looking for a meal.

You feel the ancient imaginary spear in your left hand as your eyes scan the horizon. Your ears keenly listening out for the slightest signs of a danger now long gone.

You imagine your only clothes being a lion cloth and animal skins. It’s getting late now and it’s time to go and seek the safety of your campfire.

Safety of your family and tribe as you endeavor to survive another night in the wilderness. Tomorrow will be another day and another opportunity to hunt and marvel at the beauty that surrounds you every day.

But is often unseen unless you take the time to be still and appreciate it.

Who is teaching us?

We live our lives based on how we think it should be. This is based on what other people like our parents and teachers have told us. The problem is, they don’t know.

So we are being taught how to live our lives by people who don’t know any better than us. This creates a cycle of life where struggle and hard work are seen as the way it is meant to be.

This is not the way. It is meant to be easy and playful and for you to have an amazing, happy, joyful and fulfilling human experience. Instead, we are taught how important exams are.

We are taught there is no failure. We are taught to be quiet and follow the pack. We are taught that as a child, we know nothing of the world we live in.

We are taught that everything is scary. We are taught more what we can’t do than what we can do. And then, when a tiny percentage of children do well, then everyone rejoices.

Those that struggle because they are far from their genius being in a school environment are dismissed and forgotten about. They will never amount to anything.

Failure suddenly becomes a real thing by which point it is too late to do anything about it. And so, the bumbling through life stage begins.

Packing shelves, working behind a bar, doing whatever it takes to make a bit of money to survive. Having some fun along the way but mostly struggling and surviving.

Never truly fulfilling our potential and never finding our purpose and genius. Never managing to serve humanity for the greater good and fulfilling our hearts desire in the process.

We fill our lives with distractions to keep us entertained. To keep us being able to truly think. To stop us thinking what if. What if there was a better way.

What if life was not about just trying to survive. Imagine a world where you loved what you did for work. You loved everyone you interacted with every day.

You had fun, you thrived. Imagine a world where you don’t need distractions because you are content following and taking action on whatever it is that makes your heart sing.

There is no judgement, no ego to self-sabotage yourself, no belief systems keeping you small and insignificant. You learn to love and be loved.

You live in a high vibration. You have no need to complain about everything around you because you rise above it. It does not concern you, it does not distract you and it does not lead you away from what your end results.

In this world, you go after what you love and you magically create your life. There is no constant suffering. There is no self-punishment and guilt.

There are no demons to contend with in your mind. There is no constant fear of the world and what may go wrong today. There is simply a strong focus on creating your reality.

Finding your purpose and your genius and taking action to living that life every day.

So do not fear the time you have lost living a life taught to you by those that don’t know. But now take responsibility and make your own life based on your heart. Based on love and your genius.


There is an element of desire within all of us. Not for sex but for knowledge and wealth and love and to be surrounded by beauty every day. For some, it consumes us, we spend all our time and energy going after something that is impure.

Chasing wealth and beauty are not pure desires. They do not come from the heart. You may think they do but it is lust and not love. It is infatuation but not love.

It’s great to have a lot of money and buy whatever you want but through boredom you simply keep buying more and more stuff in order to try and satisfy your desire. But it never gets satisfied and so you keep earning lots more money and keep buying lots more stuff.

Never understanding why, you can have so much money and wealth and beauty around you and yet never be fulfilled. Never be really satisfied. Never reach an end goal. Always chasing.

You spend your whole life chasing more and more because enough is never enough. People look up to you, they admire you and yet, those that do are often happier and more fulfilled than you.

They do not live in fear of losing everything they have for they do not have a lot to lose. They are loved for who they are, not for the money they have or the diamonds and toys they  give out to friends.

They know that deep down, their partner has their back no matter what happens in their life. Illness or accident. But you. You cannot tell that if you had no money, would your partner still be there or would they go find another rich person to feed their unconscious impure needs.

Two dysfunctional people in their relationship. Their needs being met on the surface for now but there is no depth, no commitment and no integrity. There is a lot of fear. Always wondering “what if”.

For the person who has the most will complain the most if they lose any of it. Your whole confidence is deep seated in your ability to provide to others. You are good enough only for as long as you are providing to those around you.

Your family and loved ones have their expectations met. When they are no longer met, then they will drift away as if they were never there. Your structure is weak. Your belief systems are being satisfied because of your wealth.

But those belief systems are waiting for any moment of weakness and then they will flood your mind with insecurities. And so, you have lots of nice stuff around you. You have lots of fun. Lots of lust.

And yet, something is missing. It nags at you every day. There is something false about your life. About everything that surrounds you. It is not real. Perhaps you will never lose your wealth.

But deep down, you know that if you did, you would lose everything around you in an instant. Its fine to be financially abundant if it is for the right reasons. You get it from doing something you love.

You feel truly loved by those around you who ask for nothing but your presence. This is the life to seek out. This is the desire that will fill your heart with love. It has structure as a result of going after what you love.

Doing what you love. The money is just a byproduct. So remember, always go after what you would love regardless of your circumstances surrounding you right now.

Consequences of not living in your genius

Imagine for a moment that your purpose in life is to save millions of lives. It was the single reason that you were put on this earth. To save these lives with your genius skills and passion which are currently unknown to you.

Imagine, if you never understand or get to explore what your true purpose is on this planet and you don’t fulfil your purpose or ever get to live in your genius.

Those millions of people you were meant to save, will no longer be saved. They will perish. They will perish because you lived your life in distraction, you didn’t want to step out your comfort zone.

You wanted to stay small and insignificant because you battled with belief systems that told you that you’re not good enough, you’re incapable and you’re unworthy of greatness.

And so, you believed these belief systems that formed as you grew up. You were told lies and half-truths. Not even intentionally but told to you they were.

And so, tormented by your past, you remained insignificant throughout your whole life. Never coming close to your potential. Never coming closer to living at your highest self.

And for this reason, all these millions of people that needed you to be in your genius, died. You were their savior. You were the single person that would have saved them but it never happened.

They waited, they prayed for you but you never came. Instead you lived in fear and you did not take action. You were too scared of what would happen, not if you failed but actually, if you were a resounding success.

How would you cope with fame and fortune. Would you screw it all up and be in the newspaper for the stupid things you did or for the good you did.

What if you couldn’t cope being the savior. What if you couldn’t cope with the fame and fortune. How stressful would it be to spend all that money and have adoring fans showering you with gifts and love.

And so, scared, not of failure but of success, you hid away. And imagine if, a wiseman came to you and showed you a vision of when you were about 90 years old in your future.

He told you what you were supposed to have done for the world. How you were meant to save all these people. And what if you saw how all these thoughts and feelings you had were simply not real.

That the belief systems were not true. That you had made up a whole load of nonsense about success making you a bad person.

That if only you had listened to your heart and taken action, you would have had a totally different human experience for your whole life.

How would you feel then. Now tell me, having seen yourself as an old person, about to die without fulfilling their life’s work. What will you do different today.

What will you do different every day moving forwards with this knowledge. Knowing the impact that you are supposed to have in this world if only you open your mind and your heart as to your true purpose.

What would your future self tell you to do right now.


The art of patience is to recognise when you are bored. For it is when you are bored that you get restless.

When you are restless then your mind wanders and your thoughts start to take control and run away with you. In recognising this when it first starts to happen will allow you to prevent your thoughts causing chaos in your head.

It will close the door on your shadow monster which is always willing to come out and play to your detriment. The key is to notice what you are doing when you become bored and then, naturally do less of that.

Your heart gets bored way before your head. When your heart is not in whatever it is that you are doing then all impetus falls away. Everything starts to fall apart unless you catch it in time then you can limit the damage.

Identify what you really love doing. When there is something that you love doing then you will notice that distractions trying to grab your attention fall away because you actually prefer to do whatever doesn’t make you bored.

Whatever your heart loves you to do. In is in these moments that you thrive and flourish and your vibration increases tenfold. When you begin to operate at this higher self then you raise above your distractions as we have spoken about before.

The more you can do what your heart desires, the less you will be tempted by meaningless distractions. Remember that your human will always find reason to enjoy the distraction and will collude with others to enjoy the distraction together.

It could be going for a drink or binge watching a tv series. The more you enjoy your distractions, the further away you are drifting from your truth and from your purpose.

This is disempowering for your heart and soul. It does not serve you and it does not serve humanity. It will lead you off course. You will amble along in your life with no direction, simply seeking distraction after distraction.

Falsely thinking that it brings you happiness. It does not. It brings you brief pleasure followed by listlessness. Aimless wondering, your purpose temporarily lost.

Boredom sets in, your mind takes over and your shadow monster comes out to play. Everything slowly slides downhill. It is only with awareness of self that we can stop this slide.

We can recognise what is going on and what we need to do to change direction. Be still in nature, you will never be bored. Seek guidance as to your next steps. Listen out for nudges as to what action to take.

This is the path to a fulfilling life that brings joy to your heart and raises your vibration. It will give you a totally different human experience.

One that you have not yet experienced. And then you will realise, why you were born and came to earth. You will understand why you are here and you can get to work fulfilling your destiny.

And you will love every day of your life that you do this. You will love every moment.


As you sit quietly observing your many thoughts flowing like a river through your head. Begin to slowly take control of one.

Examine it and identify if it has any truth about it or if it is simply made up and creating distraction. If it is not true for you, discard by calmly putting it into an imaginary river and watch it float away in the strong current.

Pick another thought. Start to recognise a pattern with your thoughts and how they make you feel. To stop these thoughts, simply take the power out of them, take away their energy.

Do not try and force it, just change your focus to something else, more positive. Like your internal vibration of love. Imagine your heart space expanding and filling your chest. Imagine your heart expanding beyond your body.

Imagine it exploding and showering everyone, near and far with love. Imagine in particular, people who have annoyed you through the day or the week.

Send them love. When you send them your love, you take away the power of anger and annoyance. It is by this simple action that you raise your vibration and in doing so, you raise above any problem that you are facing.

When you raise yourself above these meaningless problems. For in truth and in the grand scale of things, they will be meaningless. They disappear into insignificance.

You put all your focus onto your heart and it expanding. When you send this love to these people, your annoyance or anger disappears.

You feel better. It is within this state of high vibration that you operate at your highest self. You are unperturbed by small things.

You operate from your super power which is love and your heart. You can access your intuition and listen to what messages and advice that it has for you to move forward in your life.

It will tell you the truth of what you should be doing and what you should not be doing. Your only job is to listen and take the required action. You do not need to understand, you do not need to know why, you do not need to find reason.

Simple do what is asked and it will be done and you can move on quickly to the next action to take. You do not need to question everything for it is your ego that needs to know how everything is.

It is within the unknown that your true path lies. It is when you take the path that has not been travelled and the destination is scary and unknown where your genius lies waiting for you to scoop it up and serve the world with it.

All of this is available to you once you focus on raising your vibration to your highest self. You are instantly empowered. You are strong and capable.

You will not automatically remain in your highest vibration but have the awareness to notice when it drops and consciously raise it up again by focusing on your heart and on love. On loving everyone.

The Wise Man

There was once a wise man that lived in the mountains above his village. He lived alone and fended for himself. However, the villages still cared for him and would leave gifts of food and blankets outside his cave.

They never asked for anything in return nor expected anything for it was just their way. The old man in return did initially not offer anything but often a villager would come and sit outside his cave.

They would be lost and in a quandary. In need of the wise man’s advice and direction. The wise man would never directly tell them what the solution was to their problem but he would always get the villager in question to find his own answers.

This was empowering for the individual and it taught them that in future, they could follow the same process and find the answers to their questions themselves.

Sometimes a small group of people would come and sit and wait for the wisdom of the wise man’s teachings.

They would listen intently as he explained how they should use their intuition and the silence of nature to access their inner wisdom that was within each of them.

Despite the rewards he received, his goal was not to ensure that the villages relied on him and kept coming back for more info and to bring him more gifts.

His goal was to educate the villages so that they did not need him and that they could thrive all by themselves. In modern day, humans do not have this confidence.

They are terrified of being not needed and so they create a web that enforces people to keep coming back for more. They enforce a scenario where they are always needed and rewarded for their knowledge and skills.

A true wise man does not do this, he knows that when he operates form his highest self and when he teaches for the love of teaching that the universe will provide any abundance that he requires.

When you empower others, they not only thrive even more but they come back for they are hungry and curious for more. They tell and bring their friends and family to also receive the advice and teachings of the wise man.

The truth is, that when the wise man is living in his own truth and is of service and being authentic then he resonates with everyone. He is loved and appreciated.

He is simply himself and this is enough and it is perfect. There is nothing more to do and nothing more to be.


A message from God. My people, my beings, my everything. I put you on this earth to experience life.
It was my gift to you. I gave you consciousness to be able to choose the life you would love to have. To choose to be good or bad.
To be able to distinguish the difference between being good and the consequences and being evil and those consequences. I gave you choice everyday as to how you want to be and how you want to feel.
Will you be happy today or will you be sad and depressed about this gift of life that I gave you. Will you embrace your gift of human experience and do the most you can with it.
Will you flourish and love unconditionally. Or will you conquer your fellow man, take what is his for yourself. Take his family, take his life to make yourself stronger and more abundant.
Will you serve your fellow mankind or will you take from him. Will you serve your species and make all mankind stronger and more resilient or will you just follow the herd which is your prerogative.
Every day, you can be whatever it is you wish to be. Strong and determined or weak and cowardly. Awake and aware or distracted and insular.
I gave you a whole world to play in. will you explore this beautiful world I gave you or will you destroy it and plunder its resources without a care for tomorrow.
Will you appreciate the beauty in the world or will you only see darkness and pain. Will you enjoy pain and suffering or will you raise your vibration and be unaccepting of anything mediocre.
Will you push yourself mentally and physically every day to be better and stronger and to learn more about what is seen and what is unseen in this world you have been given.
Will you expand your consciousness or be happy and content living in a small perception of what I have created for you. Will you explore everything I have gifted you.
Live every day as the gift it is or waste it in manmade distractions. Will you read and learn from the great minds of your species. Will you write and share your own wisdom with the world.
Will you look after the weak or slaughter them with disdain. Will you rule and lead or simply follow and obey. Will you explore your mind and explore what is possible, explore the unknown.
Will you scare yourself or will you hide. Will you defy death or embrace it. Will you seek to find the genius gift I bestowed upon you and use it in the world.
Or will you waste it and let it wither and die. Will you live with passion and zest for the life gifted to you or will you waste it, sit alone and sad at your inability to rise up and stand firm in the face of your own self-limiting thoughts and feelings.
Will you care for your woman and your children or will you simply use them as an outlet for your shadow monster to do with as he pleases.
Women, will you look after your man and your children and make your man the best he can be or will you crumble at his feet and let his shadow spread its chaos.
Everything you have is your choice. It is your creation. Love what you have created. If you don’t love what you have created, then choose differently.
Beware of those thoughts and feelings for they are self-fulfilling prophecies. They are whatever you want them to be. You create them and then you create your life from there. It’s all you.
Do not blame me for the way your life is. Do not blame me for your hardships. Do not wait for me to save you. I’m not coming. I am simply observing.
I need only provide two gifts to you. One is life and the other is a genius. The rest is up to you and you alone.
Choose wisely what to think about, what to focus on, what to take action on. For this all results in what plays out for you. Be careful who you trust but trust you must.
Love everyone. Move on from disaster quickly. Be responsible. Do not dwell on what has been and which cannot be undone. Do not waste a moment for once it has gone, it is lost forever.
Love is your superpower. Learn to understand it and use it.
Do not be corrupted by sex and desire. It is but a fleeting moment in a life full of hope and promise. Life is yours to take.
You are good enough as you are, right now in this moment

The Elders

When these two vital things are lost then humanity makes the same mistakes again and again. And for this reason, humanity does not evolve or progress for they are so full of fake knowledge that they cannot see the truth.

They fully believe their perception of the world and believe it is the only one that exists and that it must be true and the way to be. The elders on the other hand have seen it all.

They have seen that your perception is only one view but in this world, there are millions of perceptions of how different humans experience life.

They all see life for what it is from their own perception. They do not consider others. They have no empathy or understanding for others way of being and so their wisdom and knowledge is greatly reduced.

Their experience is very limited. In this way, when they become old, they are not wise and experienced for they did not live a full life.

They were not open to new ways of being. They were not open to understanding and seeing others and their ways of being. They only saw themselves.

For us to become great and wise elders, we need to experience as much as possible and share our knowledge with the world. While it may be ignored by most, it will help a few and that in itself will serve humanity for the good.


I have a gift for you. A few years ago I did a course that completely changed my life. I realised that I was responsible for my life and that I could create a life I loved rather than living as a victim which I had done for over 40 years.

The course is free but it take commitment, willingness to be open to change and explore a new way of being. You can read more about it and sign up here.

Full disclosure, this is my affiliate link where i get a few pennies if you buy a paid course after the free one.


Opening Your Heart

In the essence of what we find beautiful is in effect designed to distract. The beauty of a person distracts us from seeing their true self.

We assume that their beautiful exterior automatically means that their interior is just as beautiful. While this may be the case in some instances, it is not a rule.

There are many people in this world who do not appear beautiful on the outside but on the inside they are a king or queen. We judge others quickly by their looks and beauty and do not give that person a second glance if they are not attractive to us.

By doing this we miss out on so much beauty and love in the world. The essence of another human being with a beautiful, loving soul can only be seen by those that take the time to look.

Otherwise it is not only missed but also lost. A person could have a divine spirit within them. A magical power. A strength and inner beauty beyond comprehension but we deny ourselves this gift based on our egoic needs and judgement.

The truth is, if we take the time to get to know these people, their inner beauty will outshine any exterior blemishes or blandness. So do not be quick to judge those people so quickly when in truth you are simply denying yourself the opportunity to give and receive unconditional love from another being.

It costs nothing but it serves you greatly to appreciate the love and beauty of every being. For it is with this awareness that we grow and evolve ourselves and we understand that the benefits of receiving love and giving love to many rather than the few is both empowering and life giving.

Be warned, this is not sex, this is simply love. When we take sex off the table we open ourselves up to a whole new world of love for the sake of love.

Unconditional, no expectations, no needs, just appreciating the heart and love of another.

We can get this love from other beings as well. Our pets and even trees. All organisms have an element of love and power that can be shared and received. It empowers those that are open to it. It heals, it gives energy, it gives strength and resilience.

After all, love is our super power and the more we can raise our vibration to receive and give love, the higher self we shall operate from. The closer to our genius we shall be. The better we shall be at whatever it is we choose to do because we are fueled by love.

Learning to open your heart will literally change the way you experience life.