
Is it really all worth it?

I’m not scared of death because I know when I die all my problems stop. No more stress, no more problems. Win win. I also know that because I find life challenging the Universe will ensure that I live for a very, very long time! Sods law.


You look at the big picture and have a think about what life consists of. Constant battles every day dealing with people and companies letting you down and trying to rip you off. People taking advantage of your good nature.

Large companies are the worst to deal with. You try make a complaint to Facebook, Google, BT or Starbucks? Irrespective of company size, the first rule of making a complaint is that whoever you are complaining to needs to care. Otherwise its a waste of time. Microsoft took some money from us and never delivered what we paid for. It took about 5 months to get to the bottom of the issue. Why? Because companies, are still made up of people who are crap at their jobs, don’t take ownership or are held back by weak company policies. And the aim of the organisation is to make ridiculous profit. Not to serve their customers. We tried to deal with IBM about a year ago and eventually gave up. Never come across so many self important, incompetent people who simply fail to deliver or answer questions. Make no mistake, there are a few good people around but the majority are corporate wastage.

Large corporations and banks completely taking the piss and basically doing what ever they want to get more money by any means necessary. Food companies, deliberately producing food that causes cancer in order to make a profit. Doctors apparently having people treated for cancer when they don’t have cancer purely to make a profit. Companies like Wonga charging people who have very little money 2000% interest on loans and the Government allowing them to get away with it. Wonga then getting hacked and having 240 000 people’s details stolen with no recourse.

Doctors used to have a sales rep from a drugs company in the room while prescribing drugs to patients. The sales rep would get the doctor to prescribe their drug rather than a competitor’s drug for profit. Drugs companies taking doctors out to lunch and for holidays in order to get more sales. Ever notice that Pharmaceutical companies only ever talk about profit and share price. They never talk about a drug and how many lives it will save and how many people it will make better. It all comes down to profit. Funny how after the patent runs out, they bring out a new replacement drug and tell you how bad the previous drug now is and the new one is the best one available. Lets not even get into false  drug trials.

I am still amazed how surprised everyone was when they discovered that FIFA and Sepp Blatter was so corrupt. You only have to look at the organisation. Logically, when there are only a few people at the head of a very large organisation and there is a high amount of money involved, there will be corruption. Why? Because it is human nature. Everyone is trying to get ahead however they can. Money and power. Is it taking a short cut or is it just the way of the world? The way the world works? Its who you know, who you will help personally so they will help your organisation get a contract. We look at football and there are no drugs scandals. Is this because there are no drugs in football? Just how stupid and naive do you have to be to believe that? Its impossible for there to be so much at stake in terms of hard cash and contracts and careers and everything else that goes with it for performance enhancing drugs and corruption to not exist.

Russia got busted for a national doping program.Its been happening for 50 years for crying out loud. If not longer. And do you for one second think that Russia is the only country not involved in state sponsored doping?

My point is that human beings by their very nature are just not very nice creatures. We don’t see a fellow unknown human being as a person with problems and challenges. We just see them as either a potential threat or someone in the way or someone to make money out of. Survival of the fittest. Dog eat dog world. What is actually nice in the world? What is nice about being part of the human race?

We see very rare moments of compassion by a few. Humans caring for animals that are desperate for our help. Poor people with nothing helped by another selfless human being. Are these incidents rare or the norm? Do they happen all the time but we don’t see it or are they indeed few and far between. We treat the few special people on our planet with such contempt and jealousy and we break them down.

We see a cyclist on the road and we try to scare them or run them off the road because they can hinder our journey by 10 seconds. So essentially, someone else’s life is worth 10 seconds. I was running on the road the other day and some stupid wanker in a small white truck deliberately swerved towards me to try and run me off the road. I held my ground and he had to desperately had to swerve the other way. What is going through his head? Is there a thought process? When we are in a car we are so desperate to get to our destination that we don’t care about who we kill on route to getting there. And it has nothing to do with cyclists or runners. It is just a mind set against anyone else on the road.

People don’t consider consequences. If I do this what happens next? If I kill this person, I go to jail and loose everything I have today. Their little brains don’t process this kind of information.

So what is good in the world? Obviously our children and partners make us smile. We get pleasure from doing things we enjoy doing but a lot of people have a job they hate and spend most of their life doing something they don’t enjoy with people they don’t like in order to get a small amount of time and material things in return. Is it really worth all the effort?

Is it any wonder so many people suffer from depression? Not only do people suffer mental illness but we can’t even talk about it. I remember a famous English cricketer was playing away in Australia and had to come home due to suffering depression. I heard everyone talking about how on earth can he be depressed. He is doing what he loves and playing for his country. The problem with depression is that you can only understand it if you have it or have had it. Otherwise it is very difficult to relate.

What inspired me to write this outburst was the Royal family choosing “Heads Together” as the charity for the 2017 London marathon. It is slowly coming to the fore but I think we have a very long way to go. The whole problem is that admitting you suffer with some kind of mental illness is that you are weak. You have a weakness. And humans prey on the weak so you have to be strong and angry all the time.  I have a few friends that suffer quite badly with depression and I am so proud of them that they can talk openly about their depression and mental challenges. They get a lot of support fro their friends on Facebook but i can’t help feeling that people that don’t know them would have zero empathy. Would just see them as weak and a target.

I listened to a podcast the other day (UFC Unfiltered). They were talking to a guy called Don Frye who is a former legend of the mixed martial arts fight game. Now 51, he has had some pretty serious health issues last year and a horrendous divorce. However, the guys on the podcast asked him where he is living and he was silent for a moment before saying, “In my truck”. It was a stunning admission. And yet it was so brave and honest that he could admit that. Its a fight with depression coming from a no fear cage fighter. I realise that living in a truck doesn’t automatically mean you suffer from depression but it was discussed and you have got to have a pretty strong mind to be happily living in your truck at 51 years old.

So whats the answer?

Everything is Mindset. Convincing yourself that everything is good with the world, that everything is going well, that you are fine. While it actually works and makes a huge difference to your life, I can’t help feeling that it is false. People indulge in other activities to escape the reality of the world. Gaming all hours, drinking, over eating, drugs, partying, the list goes on. I left out exercise because as at least it is healthy but it can still be a selfish obsession. But what is life? Perhaps it is all those things. Perhaps it is working to get money to do all those things. Its when it leads to self destruction that it becomes a problem.

We have to have a purpose in life, a goal, a journey. An ever changing goal so that we strive for the next target. Stay motivated. Constantly pushing and pushing, never taking our foot off the gas while others round us never put their foot on the gas in the first place. How do some people have no time at all to do anything while others have all the time in the world and still don’t do anything. Its all about your mindset and what drives you.

Often the most successful people are those who have been the lowest. They have been addicted to drugs or alcohol or both. They had absolutely nothing. And then, something clicked in their mind and they stood up and went for it. Did whatever it took and became hugely successful and a multi millionaire.

The most positive person in the world has no arms or legs but the strongest mindset of all. Nick Vujicic

Like many of my friends in Zimbabwe where I grew up, I arrived in the UK with not a lot. A small bag with some clothes and £200. Got to London and tried to phone two friends I couldn’t get hold of. I was on my own in a whole new world. I had heard of Earls Court so just headed there. I think a lot of people head over there as there was a guy at the station entrance looking for little lost faces. He said there was a place I could stay just up the road. A large house with about 4 or 5 floors and 6 people to a room. I think it was £10 a night or something. I’ve also been at a point where I had only £10 in my account a few years later. Only had enough money to drive from Bristol to Coventry to my friend’s house. I’m just not a multi-millionaire yet!

So I have constant drive and huge ambition but i still find it very difficult living in a world filled with selfish hate. And that doesn’t even touch of people living in war torn countries like Syria. We can not imagine what people living there are going through. I met a really nice guy from Syria. He had to leave his job and go back home as the family business needed him. The factory had been bombed and they had paid a huge amount of money for some equipment that had not been delivered.

I find it incredible how people can treat others as just a number and meal ticket. People will set up a whole organisation to sell a sub standard product and service but tie people into a 12 month contract. Huge global organisations, lying blatantly about how many customers they have. Companies like Solarwinds (nable) who I am sure is run by the Devil himself. And what can we do about it? We can complain bitterly on social media but nothing ever happens.

I spend my life trying to evolve, become a better person, become more understanding. To think bigger than myself. To help people. But I do wonder if I have it all wrong. Perhaps being a human being means I should just selfishly seek profit at any cost. Just look after number one. Ruthlessly go after what I want. Not have any morals. Lie, cheat and bribe my way to the top of society. Destroy those that get in my way. Whats the best way to live in this tough world?

My father is my biggest pride

A touching story about a poor farmer who supported his son through college. He went without a lot of things we take for granted in life, suffered and endured to make sure his son got through college and could have a better life. On graduation day, the son said his father was his biggest pride




a trip down memory lane

a trip down memory lane

If you grew up in the 70’s or 80’s then this is for you. Enjoy. This is in the time before we all had an iPad.

Wonga – Police Investigation

Wonga – Police Investigation

Here is a snap shot of an article in the weekend FT. I have been watching the wonga adverts and thinking how unethical it is that a company can prey on the weak and desperate to make themselves a ridiculous fortune and then in the process get recognised as an amazingly successful company that muppets look up to.

How is it ethical and moral that a company can charge up to 2000% APR to people who are struggling beyond our recognition and understanding. Struggling to feed themselves and their family and all they get is preyed on like weak, insignificant rats in a sewer.

Their lack of knowledge and desperation means they see a way out via wonga but only get deeper into debit and due to the massive interest rate take even longer to get out of debit. I was talking to a friend yesterday who has an overdraft with their bank. They are the bank’s perfect customer. They get charged for the privilege of having an over draft every month. They get charged a fee for being in their overdraft every month and they get charged a high interest rate. Win, win, win for the bank, loose, loose, loose for the customer. Awesome…

I guess it comes back to Charles Darwin. Survival of the fittest, the strongest. The weak will die and fall by the wayside.

Looking at Barclay’s Bank in the news. Pushing the boundaries of being ethical if they can all agree via alleged emails. What drives mankind today? What drives us to be successful? Is it possible to be successful via ethical and moral means or do we have to eat and devour the weak to be successful ourselves? Let me know as while this is simply not in my nature, I may have to try and evolve into a man eater?

Wonga - Police Investigation

In addition to the above: How on earth does Wonga manage to register Student Loans as a brand? I can’t get my head round how something that student’s take advantage of world wide is actually some kind of brand for a company. Anyone care to explain this one to me?

Essentially Wonga sent out thousands of letters to Students from fake law companies telling them they were in serious trouble for not keeping up with their payments. I can only envisage the decision made at a wonga board meeting where they decide to simply make up law firm names and threaten people rather than pay a small fortune to said organisations to issue official letters to their customers.

I suspect that if the heat continues, Wonga will simply change name and continue trading under a different brand as they search for the loop holes in the system to push the boundaries of ethics and morals to make themselves enough cash for lots of bubbly at the end of year party?


Top New York securities regulator sues Barclays over ‘dark pool’

New York’s top securities regulator has sued Barclay’s for favouring high-speed traders using its “dark pool” trading venue while misleading institutional investors.

Dark pools allow investors to trade large blocks of shares anonymously, with prices posted publicly only after deals are done. They were created as a way for institutional investors to place large orders without actually effecting the overall share price and thereby disadvantaging themselves.

Read more here